Story 007 - The Paintings
A story is told that Leonardo da
Vinci painted "The Lord's Supper" when living in Milan.
Before he could paint the thirteen figures, it was necessary to
find men who could serve as models. Each model had to have
a face that expressed da Vinci's vision of the particular man he
would represent. Needless to say, this proved to be a
tedious task-to find just the right face.
One Sunday, as da Vinci was at the cathedral for mass, he saw a
young man in the choir who looked like da Vinci's idea of how
Jesus must have looked. He had the features of love,
tenderness, caring, innocence, compassion, and kindness.
Arrangements were made for the young man, Pietri Bandinelli, to
sit as the model for the Lord. Years went by, and the
painting was still not complete. Da Vinci could not find
just the right face for Judas. He was looking for a man
whose face was streaked with despair, wickedness, greed and sin.
Ten years after starting the picture, he found a man in prison
whose face wore all the qualities of Judas for which he had been
searching. Consent was given for the prisoner to pose, and
he sat as the model for Judas. Leonardo worked feverishly
for days. But as the work went on, he noticed certain
changes taking place in the prisoner. His face seemed
filled with tension, and his bloodshot eyes were filled with
horror as he gaped at the likeness of himself painted on the
canvas. One day, Leonardo sensed the man's uneasiness so
greatly that he stopped painting and asked, "What seems to
trouble you so much?"
The man buried his face in his hands and was convulsed with sobs.
After a long time, he raised his head and inquired, "Don't
you remember me? Years ago I was your model for the Lord,
This miserable man had turned his back on Christ and turned his
life over to sin and the world sucked him down to its lowest
levels of degradation. He no longer loved the things he had
loved before. And those things that he at one time hated
and despised, now he loved. Where once there was love, now
there was misery and hate; where once there was hope, now there
was despair; where once there was light, now there was darkness.
And you, have you looked at your face lately?