Signs in End Times
I am coming quickly."
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20
Are you aware that we are close to the End Times mentioned in the Bible? Do you understand the Biblical signs for the End Times?
The procession of events is in God's hands. While we cannot know the day or hour of our Lord's return, the Bible does give us many clues as to the general timing of this great occurrence. There is a precise time for Christ's second coming just as there was for the first: "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son..." (Gal 4:4).
The following are some signs in End Times
3. The Battle for Jerusalem, and the Battle of Armageddon
5. The Rebuilding of the Roman Empire - The European Union
6. Babylon and the World's Economic Structure
7. Gog and Magog War - The Islamic War against Israel
8. One-World Government - One World Religion
10. Weapons of Mass Destruction That Are Capable of Producing Major Loss of Life
11. Wars and Rumors of War / Nations against Nations
12. Hurricanes, Solar Flares, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Famine, Drought and AIDS
13. Persecuted for Their Christian Faith
14. Many Will Turn From Their Faith, False Prophets, False Doctrines
15. Gospel Will be Preached in All Kingdoms
1. Where Are We In Time? (Revelation 20, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 12:11-13, Hosea 6:2)
We are at, or near, the end of 6,000 years according to some Bible scholars. In other words, we could be at or near the beginning of the seventh thousand-year period; the 7th Millennium and the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ in the New Jerusalem.
CHICAGO, May 23 (UPI) - University of Chicago and Syrian archeologists said Tuesday they have found a settlement in north-eastern Syria that challenges conventional notions of when and where civilization began, the university announced. Historians have long held that civilization grew in Mesopotamia - in cities like Ur and Uruk in southern Iraq -- and spread but the new findings indicate civilization developed independently at Tell Hamoukar. McGuire Gibson, a professor at the U of C's Oriental Institute and co-director of the joint expedition with the Syrian Directorate General of Antiquities, said the find indicates civilization began about 6,000 years ago, earlier than the 3,500 to 3,100 B.C. usually cited. The findings were presented to the International Conference on Archeology of the Ancient Near East in Copenhagen.
The planets Venus and Jupiter will pass less than 42 arcseconds apart on May 17. Because the pair is so close to the Sun, only the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory will have a good view of the close encounter. This close conjunction has already been compared to the 2 B.C. conjunction of the same planets that is often identified as the Christmas Star reported in the book of Matthew. In The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomical and Historical Perspective, Susan S. Carroll writes: On June 17, 2 BC, Venus and Jupiter joined... in the constellation Leo. The two planets were at best 6 (arcseconds) apart; some calculations indicate that they actually overlapped each other. This conjunction occurred during the evening and would have appeared as one very bright star. Even if they were 6 apart, it would have required the sharpest of eyes to split the two, because of their brightness.
With this information in mind some are saying this is a confirmation that we are at or near 2,000 years from Jesus Christ's birth.
2. The End-time Covenant (Daniel 9:27)
A peace agreement in the Middle East this year could be the Daniel 9:27's seven-year end-time covenant. If the peace talks don't produce a Middle East peace agreement, terrorism will increase, with war very likely. The peace discussions between the Syrians and the Israelis, and the Palestinians and the Israelis continue.
Interesting point: Many Messianic Jewish Believers believe people live-out their names and used former Israeli Prime Minister's names as examples; According to Young's Exhaustive Concordance, Shimon Peres' last name means to "divide or part," and he was very divisive leader when in office and still is; Yitzhak Rabin's last name means "strong man," and he was a strong leader; Benjamin Netanyahu's last name means the "gift from God" or "God's gift," he was very protective of Israel during his time in office; Ehud Barak's last name means "lightning," and Ehud means "strong, forceful or splendor." (Barak's name has yet to play-out but seems to be moving in that direction.)
3. The Battle for Jerusalem, and the Battle of Armageddon - (Revelation 16:6, Zechariah 14)
The Battle of Armageddon will come down to a war over Jerusalem. Armies of the world will come against Israel in a battle for Jerusalem and God will destroy them. Jerusalem is not to be shared. The Vatican agreement is contrary to God's will.
Vatican Signs Agreement with the Palestinians over Jerusalem.
The Vatican and the Palestinians signed an agreement on February 15, stating the following: An equitable solution for the issue of Jerusalem, based on international resolutions, is fundamental for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, and that unilateral decisions and actions altering the specific character and status of Jerusalem are morally and legally unacceptable; Calling, therefore, for a special statute for Jerusalem, internationally guaranteed, which should safeguard the following: (a). Freedom of religion and conscience for all. (b). The equality before the law of the three monotheistic religions and their Institutions and followers in the City. (c). The proper identity and sacred character of the City and its universally significant, religious and cultural heritage. (d). The Holy Places, the freedom of access to them and of worship in them. (e). The Regime of "Status Quo" in those Holy Places where it applies.
The Israelis responded by saying, "Israel expresses its great displeasure with the declaration made today in Rome by the Holy See and the PLO, which includes the issue of Jerusalem, and other issues which are subjects of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on permanent status. The agreement signed by these two parties constitutes a regretful intervention in the talks between Israel and the Palestinians."
Furthermore, there is no denying that Israel safeguards freedom of conscience and freedom of worship for all, and provides free access to the holy places of all faiths. Similarly, there is no question that the religious and cultural character of Jerusalem is being preserved, as are the rights of all the religious communities and their institutions in the city.
Consequently, Israel flatly rejects the reference to Jerusalem in the aforementioned document. Jerusalem was, is, and shall remain the capital of the State of Israel, and no agreement or declaration by these or any other parties will change this fact.
Pope John Paul II continues to meet with Middle East leaders. PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat has been in the Vatican nine times since 1994.
4. The Mark and 666 (Revelation 13:16-18, Revelation 16:2)
There is new implant technology trademarked and named the "Digital Angel" which could become the "Mark of the beast." If it isn't the Mark of choice there are other technologies in the works.
The President of the United States has increased the accuracy of the Global Positioning Systems (GPS), which will allow tracking accuracy down to an area the size of a tennis court. The new Mark type products will have a GPS feature in them. In other words an individual will be easy to locate.
The Bible says in Revelations 13:17 "no man will be able to buy or sell" without the Mark. Mark is the name of the beast or the number of his name, 666 in Revelation 13:18. It will be located on ones forehead or on ones right hand according to the Bible in Revelation 13:16.
5. The Rebuilding of the Roman Empire - The European Union (Daniel 2:41-42)
Europe now has the European Union; their own Euro currency; they are creating their own military; and have hired NATO's Secretary General to lead it. They also plan to become more active in the Middle East talks. They are now a population of center of 290 million people, a mighty economic force.
6. Babylon and the World's Economic Structure (Revelation 18)
Could the United States be Babylon" Or New York, London or Rome?
The United States economy and its consumers are the main catalyst to world economic growth. When the U.S. consumer buys products the U.S. stock markets do well, and so do the world markets. But when the U.S. Consumer don't have confidence and curtail they're spending the U.S. stock markets struggle and so do the world markets.
AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS are heavily exposed to the stock market, according to a Federal Reserve report. In 1999, Americans held $13.3 trillion in shares, nearly 32% of household wealth, ten percentage points higher than in 1995. (The Economist Magazine)
The United States has 54% of its households in the stock markets. A major correction of 35-50% could wipe out a major portion of the nations personal net worth. The late summer and early fall correction of 1998 wiped out $2 trillion in market capitalization. The April 2000 one-week correction wiped out $2.1 trillion in market capitalization and all of the 1999 $1.7 trillion gain.
The U.S. economy has benefited by having many things work together which has produced its record run; such as record-low commodity prices; very low fuel costs; a rise in productivity thanks to technology, which offset the typical inflation that comes from higher wages paid to people due to worker shortages; very low interest rates; and balanced trading between "old economy" stocks and "new economy" stocks.
Now we have higher fuel costs; rapid escalation in bio-tech, high-tech and telecom stocks at high multiples, with people using their paper gains to substantiate their consumer purchases while taking on new debt; interest rate pressures and low stock appreciation is hurting "old economy" companies that are experiencing sell-offs; there has also been a very large increase in "margin buying" of stocks, and has the SEC, NYSE and the NASDAQ very concerned.
Also a majority of new home purchases are people with "B and C' credit who are purchasing homes with 3-5% down payments and are using two-incomes to qualify for their loans.
The high-tech, biotech and telecom shares until recently have been trading at all time multiples but have settled in the last few weeks, still much higher than the multiples preceding the 1929 crash.
Arthur Levitt, chairman of America's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), warned investors that stock markets can go down as well as up and cautioned against a "CASINO MENTALITY", as the tech-heavy Nasdaq index topped 5,000 for the first time. Internet start-up companies came in for particular criticism; he asked if some dot.coms were "worth 1,000 times nothing". (The Economist Magazine - March 4-10, 2000)
The NYSE and the NASDAQ are very concerned over the margin debt level which reached $259.49 billion in March 2000, a $106 billion increase from the beginning of 1999 when it was $153.34 billion, an increase of $20 billion over December 99's record level. They have both called for an increase in margin account reserves from $2,000 to $25,000.
World wide electronic stock trading has become so prevalent that vast sums of money can move in and out of nations stock markets within 24-hours, and that could produce enormous economic harm globally at some point. Large sums of money left Southeast Asian countries in late-summer 1998, and stopped just before reaching critical levels thanks to $150 billion in IMF bailouts.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told a Congressional Committee in early 1999, if there were a major world event that could impact the financial confidence of a particular country or countries we aren't sure how it would play out, because we have never had the level of electronic trading and fund transfer capabilities as we do today.
We have heard the last few weeks from top people on Wall Street that high oil prices won't produce the same economic disruption as it did in the mid-70's because that was a real shortage problem, and this situation isn't. However, the following quote is revealing in itself.
'Significantly more crude will be required to allow gasoline and other product stocks to be rebuilt and to replenish crude stocks' - INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY
OPEC Members, Iraq; Iran; Libya; Algeria; Nigeria; Saudi Arabia; Kuwait; United Arab Emirates; Qatar; Indonesia; and Venezuela have a lot of influence over the world's economies because of there oil production. Iraq is now the fifth largest oil importer to the U.S. just edging Nigeria, whose nation is in a major civil war.
7. Gog and Magog War - The Islamic War against Israel - (Ezekiel 38-39)
Iran and Syria do not get along very well, it is surface relationship at best; the Palestinians have a bad relationship with Iran and Syria and sided with Iraq during Desert Storm; Iran has been supplying the terror group Hezbollah arms in Southern Lebanon; Syria is concerned over Israel's soon departure from Southern Lebanon and the power struggle they might have with Iran over influence on the Hezbollah; Israel is using that concern as leverage in the negotiations with Syria; Israel is using that for leverage with the Palestinians; whoever gets the first deal cut with Israel will get a better deal; Syria is using their position to extract more money out of the United States; Syrian President Assad, nicknamed the "Assassin" is battling poor health and dementia; Iraq, who has been in a long battle with Iran, has renewed a relationship with Syria; Iraq is reported to be close to have a nuclear missile; Iran is close to have a long range missile and is getting nuclear technology from Russia; Turkey and Syria are at odds, but Turkey has the much needed water for the parched Middle East; Turkey is close to Israel and performs military maneuvers annually with them; China has had recent meetings in Beijing and Damascus with top-level Syrian military people; Iran just beat out U.S. Oil companies for the construction of a very valuable pipeline from the Caspian Sea; Russia is battling over Chechnya with eyes on Georgia next and then further valuable Caucasus Mountain countries; and Clinton is after a legacy and has ten months left in office.
The oil rich area Northeast of Turkey, in the Caucasus Mountains could be the area that ignites the Gog and Magog War. The oil reserves are estimated to be in the $4-6 trillion-dollar range. Russia and Iran are battling for influence and control over the vast reserves with United States and Western European oil companies.
Iraq and Syria are reuniting in effort to position themselves strategically due to concerns they have over Iran, Turkey and Russia. Turkey is important because they have enormous water reserves, which the drought prone Middle East countries cherish. Turkey and Iran are also close to the oil-rich Caucasus Mountains and Caspian Sea area.
Acting Russian President Putin says Russia needs to renew its military to a world-class force. Russia has 6660 nuclear missiles according to the Associated Press.
China has obtained an enormous amount of military technology from the United States, thanks to the Clinton administration. China continues to focus on making its military more reliant on high-tech weaponry. They are attempting to perfect their "satellite busting" laser technology. They are also working on cyber-weapons that can penetrate and/or destroy a nation's military infrastructure.
China with its 1.27 billion people and India with their 1 billion people are the only two nations in the world who could amass a 200 million-man army. They make up just over one-third of the world's population.
8. One-World Government - One World Religion - (Revelation 13:11)
There is a continued move to global government by the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. The United Nations is positioning for greater control.
There continues to be an ecumenical outreach between the major world religions. They are calling for tolerance of one another's views and beliefs. Will this effort produce a one-world religion, an eclectic religion that is known for tolerance and liberal policy?
The United Religious Initiative just completed a charter with no mention of God in it. It is to be in effect in June 2000.
9. The Anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:36-39, Revelation 13)
The anti-Christ is believed to be alive.
Dave Hunt stated, "It is also essential for the Roman Empire to be revived in order for the Antichrist to appear. Daniel prophesied that "the people of the prince that shall come [i.e., Antichrist] shall destroy the city and the sanctuary..." (Dn 9:26). The Roman armies under the command of Titus destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in a.d.70. It is therefore from these people that the Antichrist must arise. That doesn't necessarily mean that he has to be Roman, since her legions came from many parts of the Empire. It does mean, however, that he must come from that world kingdomand for that to happen the Roman Empire must be revived. We are seeing the fulfillment of this most remarkable prophecy in our day."
Whoever it is the scripture say he will be involved (directly or indirectly) with the Daniel 9:27 Middle East Peace Covenant.
10. Weapons of Mass Destruction That Are Capable of Producing Major Loss of Life (Revelation 6:8)
The world now has weapons of mass destruction capable of inflicting enormous damage. The seven rogue nations that now have their own weapons of mass destruction are. Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, India, and Pakistan. These nations have all developed their weapons within the last 36 months.
11. Wars and Rumors of War / Nations against Nations (Matthew 24:6-7)
The risk exposure for the U.S. and its allies would be the difficulty of being able to fight in two locations at the same time, and especially three. Former U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger stated recently in his book "The Next War" that he was concerned over a war in Southeast Asia with the scenario of North Korea attacking South Korea, and China attacking Taiwan, simultaneously; thus stretching the U.S. troops in that region and being harmful for both South Korea and Taiwan.
There is also a risk of another war breaking out in Kosovo and war breaking out in the Middle East with Iran or Iraq. The U.S. could have to defend itself against the Russians too. If the enemies of the U.S. want to be successful, and they do have strategic relationships in place, they would be the most effective if they attacked at the same time and they know it.
Why has China been meeting with top-level Syrian military leaders in Beijing and Damascus the last 7 months?
Tensions continue to increase between large nations that could not only lead to regionalized conflict but also help produce a World War; India and Pakistan; China and Taiwan; North Korea and South Korea; the Kosovos and the Albanians; Israel and Iran, Syria, or Iraq; Russia and the West over the Balkans and/or the Caucasus Mountains; war in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone; and war in Sri Lanka. These potential conflicts are all at a point of explosion with the right catalyst.
Iran now has missiles capable of reaching Israel, and is close to having long-range missile capability that will put Western Europe within range.
India, China and Russia recently signed a joint military agreement to offset the U.S. Superpower.
Less than nine months after they declared victory in the war over Kosovo, Washington and NATO allies are fighting over how to keep a deteriorating situation in the region from spinning out of control.
12. Hurricanes, Solar Flares, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods, Famine, Drought and AIDS (Revelation 6, 8-9, Matthew 24:7)
The winter 2000 was the warmest on record. The last three years have been the warmest years on record. Many are blaming the records on global warming issues, but those who are familiar with the Sun and its recent activity say it is solar flares and Sun activity that are producing the global warmth.
The Hurricane activity and intensity over the next 10 years is expected to hit record levels. In the last 24 months there has been a major loss of life in Honduras and Guatemala. The 1999 Hurricane season in the United States was the most active on record.
Mitch Battros Stated: Extreme weather changes and "super storms" will be produced by global warming due to activity on the sun. The recent major solar flare movements have corresponded with major world storms; this equation has played out in the last two solar events, which occurred. The first on February 5th, which resulted in, X-Class flares. Within 72 hours of this event, more than 80 people died and over 100,000 homeless from sudden floods in South Africa. The second solar flare activity occurred on February 12th. Within 72 hours freak tornadoes hit Georgia and Arkansas killing 29 people and injuring hundreds. The third major solar flare activity occurred on February. Within 72 hours there were record rains and floods hit Mozambique.
Mitch's Solar Flare Equation (Sunspot Count = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean/Jet Stream Currents = Extreme Weather)
Increasing solar flare activity through mid-summer 2000 could put the world's 600 communication satellites at risk.
Human burning of fossil fuels is clearly linked to global warming, but solar winds pouring through holes in the Sun's outer layer may also be partly responsible. A team of astronomers and climatologists has found that holes in the outermost layer of the sun - the corona - do affect the temperature of Earth's atmosphere. "This is the first time anyone has combined these modern, reliable data sets to link solar activity and climate, said climatologist Eric Posmentier of Long Island University's Brooklyn Campus. The Sun's corona is shown as red, the coronal hole as a dark region. These features were discovered when X-ray telescopes were first flown above the earth's atmosphere to reveal the structure of the corona. (Photo courtesy National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)) Coronal holes are gaps in the Sun's outer atmosphere through which the stream of hot, supersonic particles known as the solar wind pours out into space at millions of miles per hour to engulf the entire planetary system. At Earth, this hot bath of charged particles produces the aurora borealis, interferes with electrical and radio transmissions, and may threaten passengers aboard high-flying airliners or astronauts aboard unshielded spacecraft. The solar wind has long been suspected as an indirect contributor to climate change on Earth. (Environment News Service)
The earthquake intensity continues to grow. In a 90-day period beginning in mid-August 99, there were major earthquakes, with large loss of life, in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, and Iran. There are now on the average 12-15 world earthquakes every 24 hours of a magnitude of 4.5 and above.
Volcanic activity continues around the world. There have been large volcanoes recently in Ecuador, the Philippines and Hawaii. When ashes from major volcanoes enter the stratosphere, it can drop the earth's temperatures a few degrees, because the sunrays will reflect off of the ashes and away from the earth. It takes one to two years for ashes to leave the stratosphere.
An example: Iceland ash darkened the Alaskan skies in 1783. Now, more than two centuries after a bitterly cold summer that denied the Kauwerak people of western Alaska the chance to collect the food they needed for the next winter, scientists have found powerful evidence that Old Willie's stories were true. An enormous volcanic eruption in far-off Iceland spewed so much ash into the sky that it blackened the sun, and summer really never came in 1783.
There have been major floods with a large loss of lives in India, Venezuela, and Mozambique since late 99.
There are major droughts with famine in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Ethiopia; North Korea; Ethiopia; and other parts of the Middle East, Africa and Western China. Also, parts of the United States; especially Southwest Texas are in "states of emergency."
The worst of the AIDS epidemic may be yet to come, say U.N. economists. As the HIV epidemic deepens in Africa, it is leaving an economically devastated continent in its wake. More than one-quarter of working-age adults are infected with HIV in some communities in sub-Saharan Africa, a statistic that brings profound economic repercussions for families and communities. It is estimated 2 million people a year are dying now in the sub-Saharan region of Africa.
The United States said that AIDS epidemic is threatening to become a national security concern for the country, due to its rapid growth around the world.
13. Persecuted for Their Christian Faith (Matthew 24:9)
Christians are being persecuted in Pakistan, the Middle East, India, Sudan, China and other counties for proclaiming the Gospel. The majority of world persecution today is against Christians not people of other faiths.
14. Many Will Turn From Their Faith, False Prophets, False Doctrines (Matthew 24:11, 24)
There are a lot of strange cults and some of them have even performed mass suicides, while others have been stopped. There are some very bizarre end-time groups in the world, with some strange beliefs.
Also false teachings in the name of Christ are prevalent in the world. The New Age religion and other faiths are being shared too. The ecumenical movement, the converging of many faiths into one-world religion is also frequently discussed. There is a battle for the minds and hearts of the world.
15. Gospel Will be Preached in All Kingdoms (Matthew 14:14, Revelation 14:6-7)
The Gospel has almost been preached to the entire world through Campus Crusade for Christ, the Southern Baptist, and other evangelical organizations.
Another perspective on this
comes from a pre-tribulation believer who points to Matthew 24.
Where Jesus says "and this gospel of the kingdom will be
preached... and then the end will come." The Church will not
bring the "gospel of the kingdom" to the entire world....this
will be accomplished when the 144,000 Jews are preaching
throughout the world during the Tribulation. The Church has been
spreading the salvation gospel since Pentecost....but it will be
the 144,000 that will bring "the gospel of the kingdom"
to the world ---- "AND THEN THE END WILL COME". The
"signs" given in Matthew 24 are for Israel not the
Church - there are no signs for the Rapture - the "signs"
mentioned herald Christ's return to set up His kingdom.
Also, another perspective on the
preaching of the Gospel to the world appears in the Book of
Revelation 14:6-7:
"Then I saw an angel flying in midair, and he had the
eternal Gospel to proclaim to those living on earth - to every
nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice,
"Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of his
judgment has come."
This scripture speaks of an angel proclaiming the eternal Gospel. This could be another way the Lord reaches the remaining people just before the "end of time." The judgment this scripture speaks about is likely the seven-year tribulation period just before Armageddon, and the period called The Great Tribulation.