Note 005 - Meditation
Summary : Meditation is very important as it nails God's Word into our heart. It is good for us to meditate in the morning in a quiet place, before anything stirs our heart. Meditation of God's Word will give us sweetness and strength in our heart, so that we can carry out God's Word.
Basics of Meditation
"His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night" Psalm 1:2
Meditation is the soul's retiring of itself, that by a serious and solemn thinking upon God, the heart may be raised up to heavenly affections.
Meditation is a mean to compose the heart, and to bring it into a gracious frame. When you meditate, you shall lock yourself from the world. Jesus went apart into the mount to pray, so we shall go apart when we meditate. "Issac went out to meditate in the field.: (Gen. 24:63). When Abraham went to sacrifice, he left his servant and the ass at the bottom of the hill (Gen. 22:5). Similarily, we shall go up the hill to meditate, and leave all cares at the bottom of the hill.
Meditation has more sweetness than bare remembrance. When David began to meditate on God, it was sweet to him as marrow (Psalm 63:5,6). Also, it is not study, which is more a work of the mind and brain. Study is the finding out of a truth, but meditation is the spiritual improvement of a truth.
Meditation imprints and fastens a truth in the mind. It is through meditation that the word fo God stay in our heart, just like a hammer drives a nail to the head.
Time for Meditation
The best time to converse with God is, before other cares or business stand knocking at the door to be let in; the morning. It is the cream of the day, and let the cream be taken off, and let God have it.
It is good to wind up our heart towards heaven in the beginning of the day, and it will go better all the day after. One who loses his heart in the morning will hardly find it again all the day. God deserves the first of our thoughts.
We shall meditate till our heart grow warm. When our heart is cold, and have little feeling, we shall stand at the fire of meditation till our affections warmed. David mused till his heart waxed hot within him, "While I was musing the fire burned." Psalm 39:3
Direction for Meditation
Read before meditation. "Give attendance to reading ... meditate upon these things." 1 Timothy 4:13-15. It is the oil that feeds the lamp of meditation. Reading without meditation is unfruitful, but meditation without reading is dangerous.
Meditate one truth at a time, will most kindly affect our heart. Those who aim at a whole flock of birds hit none. "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all the law.
Meditation and practice, like two sisters, must go hand in hand. The end of meditation is action. They who meditate in God's law, and observe not to do, are no better than the devil; he knows much, but still he is a devil.
by King, December 28, 1999 (Excerpt from work of Thomas Watson)
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