Note 002 - Careful and Consecutive Reading of the Holy Scriptures
Summary : Reading the Holy Scriptures is most profitable to us. We shall read the Scriptures, with the blessings from God, and assistance of the Holy Spirit, in course. Also, we shall mediate while we read.
Why scriptures
I read tracts, missionary papers, sermons, and biographies of godly persons, but never had been at any time in my life in the habit of reading the Holy Scriptures.
Now the Scriptural way of reasoning would have been: God Himself has condescended to become an author, and I am ignorant about that precious book, which His Holy Spirit has caused to be written through the instrumentality of His servants, and it contains that which I ought to know, and the knowledge of which will lead me to true happiness.
In knowledge I say, for all true spiritual knowledge must be derived, by the Spirit, from the Word.
And, as I neglected he Word, I was for nearly four years so ignorant, that I did not clearly know even the fundamental points of our holy faith. And this lack of knowledge most sadly kept me back from walking steadily in the ways of God. For it is the truth that makes us free (John 8:31,32) by delivering us from the slavery of the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life.
If any believers prefer other books to the Holy Scriptures, and who enjoy the writings of men much more thant the Word of God, may they be warned by my loss.
Principles to read the Scriptures
God, by His spirit is our teacher. It is fundamental that God alone, by His Spirit, can teach us. Therefore, as God will be enquired of for blessings, we shall seek God's blessing prior to reading, and also whilst reading.
Learning takes time. Holy Spirit is our best teacher. However, this teacher does not always teach immediately when we desire. We may entreat Him again and again for the explanation of certain passages. He will surely teach us at last, when we are seeking for light prayfully, patiently, and with a view to the glory of God.
Read the Scripture in course, a few chapters a day in sequence until the whole Bible is read. The scriptures are connected in sequence. The scriputres contain the whole revealed will of God, and shall be read through completely in order to understand the whole picture.
Meditate while reading. We shall only be refreshed if we meditate. If we read the scripture without meditation, we can only gain knowledge, but our heart is not profited. It is through meditation, that the Scriptures gives our heart joy, leads us closer to God.
by King, December 28, 1999 (Excerpt from the Work of George Muller)
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