Authors and Time Span of the Bible
Genesis is a book about beginnings:
*The Creation
*The new world after the Flood
*The beginning of the Jewish Nation
Author: Moses
Time span: about 2000-1650 B.C.
Setting: An area of the Middle East known as the "fertile
Under Moses' leadership, God rescued His people from slavery
in Egypt. Exodus contains
* The Plagues
* Crossing the Red Sea
* The Ten Commandments
Author: Moses
Time span: about 1325-1225 B.C.
Setting: The Nile Delta in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. MAP
The duties of the priests and Levites; How to offer sacrifices
and carry out ceremonial law.
Author: Moses
Time span: about 1325-1225 B.C.
Setting: The Sinai Peninsula.
The life of Israel's clans after they leave Mount Sinai.
Author: Moses
Time span: 1325-1225 B.C.
Setting: Mount Sinai and the Sinai Peninsula.
The second record of God's laws. Israel is about to enter the
Promised Land.
Author: Moses
Time span: about 1230 B.C.
Setting: The plains east of the River Jordan.
Led by Joshua, the Israelites invade Canaan (known as Israel, the
Promised Land).
Author: unknown
Time span: about 1230-1200 B.C.
Settings: The plains east of the River Jordan; Canaan.
Even though Israel is being disobedient, God provides some "heroes"
to rescue them during the time between Israel's taking of Canaan
and the first kings.
Author: unknown
Time span: about 1200-1070 B.C.
Setting: Canaan (the land of Israel).
The story of Ruth. A Story of love, loyalty, and God's care for
everyone who is faithful to Him, even people of different
Author: unknown
Time span: 1375-1050 B.C.
Setting: Bethlehem and Moab.
and 2 Samuel
The history of Israel from the last of the judges (Eli and Samuel),
and the first two kings (Saul and David).
Author: unknown
Time span: about 1200-1070 B.C.
Setting: Canaan (the land of Israel).
and 2 Kings
Israel's history from David's death, through the division of the
kingdom after Solomon's death, to the fall of Jerusalem and
destruction of the temple by the Babylonians.
Author: unknown
Time span: about 970-586 B.C.
Setting: the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
and 2 Chronicles
These 2 books try to tell the Jews, who are back in Jerusalem,
that they are still God's people, despite their troubled history.
These books also tell of the same events written in 2 Samuel and
1 and 2 Kings.
Author: unknown, but many scholars believe Ezra may have written
Time span: about 1000-586 B.C.
Setting: Israel and Judah.
Tells about two groups of Jews who return to their homeland from
exile in Babylon. They rebuild the temple, and begin to observe
the Law, under Ezra's leadership.
Author: possibly Ezra
Time span: about 538-428 B.C.
Setting: Jerusalem
Nehemiah, a Jewish exile, leads another group of exiles back to
Jerusalem. He becomes governor of Judea and begins the rebuilding
of the city walls.
Author: Nehemiah
Time span: about 458-432 B.C.
Setting: Jerusalem
Esther, a beautiful Jewish girl, becomes queen to the Persian
Emperor, Ahasuerus (Xerxes). Mordecai (her guardian) helps Esther
stops a plot to have all the Jews in the kingdom killed.
Author: unknown
Time span: about 460 B.C.
Setting: Susa (Persia)
The Story of Job, a godly man, who loses everything yet never
loses his faith in God.
Author: unknown
Time span: unknown
Setting: unknown
A collection of 150 hymns, poems, and prayers, expressing deep
faith and love for God.
Author: Many different writers. Many titles are linked to King
Time span: These were made throughout Israel's history.
A large collection of wise sayings. The main theme of this book
is to find and follow godly wisdom.
Author: Solomon and other wisdom teachers.
Time span: Throughout Israel's kingdom period.
The Author of this book trusts God, but believes that we can
never know what God's intentions really are. For the writer, a
life of faith is difficult.
Author: Solomon or a Jewish sage.
Time span: uncertain
of Songs
(also known as "Song of Solomon")
A collection of six songs expressing the wonder of unselfish love
between a husband and wife.
Author: possibly Solomon
Time span: about 971-931 B.C.
Setting: The countryside in springtime.
God tells Isaiah (a prophet) to warn people of the judgement on
those who turn from Him. Isaiah's message is that Israel must
depend on God alone. This book contains many prophecies, and is
full of promises about the coming Messiah.
Author: Isaiah
Time Span: Around 790-722 B.C.
Settings: Jerusalem
All of Jeremiah's prophecies came true. He spoke of the coming
judgement on Israel because of sin and idolatry.
Author: Jeremiah
Time Span: About 627-586 B.C.
Setting: Judah
A collection of five poems expressing the sorrow of the Jews at
the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Most of this
book is written in an acrostic (based on the letters of the
Hebrew alphabet),expressing the fear that God had abandoned his
people. The writer, however, puts his faith on God's unfailing
Author: Uncertain, but possibly Jeremiah.
Time Span: Probably 586 B.C.
Setting: Jerusalem
Most of Ezekiel's message is about sin and judgement. Ezekiel (a
prophet and priest) proclaims that God's glory and holiness can
not tolerate impurity and idolatry. He predicted the fall of
Author: Ezekiel
Time Span: About 593-571 B.C.
Setting: Babylon
Daniel's story is one of courage and faith in the middle of
persecution. The book of Daniel also includes visions of the
future and a prayer.
Author: Daniel
Time Span: about 605-536 B.C.
Setting: Babylonia
Hosea (a compassionate man), warns against Israel's corrupt
lifestyle. Dealing with his own family problems makes him
sensitive to Israel's unfaithfulness. Hosea warns Israel of
destruction and urges the people to return to God and His
Author: Hosea
Time Span: about 790-715 B.C.
Setting: Northern kingdom of Israel.
Joel, the prophet, calls for national repentance. He looks
forward to a time of rich blessings when God's Spirit will be
poured out on to everyone.
Author: attributed to Joel
Time Span: uncertain
Setting: Judah
Amos speaks out against the unfairness, greed, and hypocrisy of
Israel and other nations.
Author: Amos
Time Span: about 790-722 B.C.
Setting: Northern Kingdom of Israel
Obadiah is a short prophesy against the Edomites, a nation that
had taken advantage of Jerusalem. Obadiah also warns that God
will destroy Edom. Israel will not only get back their land, but
also the land of the Edomites.
Author: Obadiah
Time Span: uncertain
Setting: Jerusalem
Jonah doesn't like the idea that God's mercy extends beyond
Israel, to it's enemies. This book shows how God sets out to
change Jonah's thinking. This book tells about Jonah and the
great fish.
Author: Jonah
Time Span: 793-753 B.C.
Setting: The Great Sea and Assyria
Micah, a prophet, is sickened by the false sacrifices and empty
worship of Israel. His main concerns are for social justice and
true religion. His hope is in God's future peace and blessing.
Author: Micah
Time Span: 750-722 B.C.
Setting: Israel and Judah
This book is an oracle against Nineveh, capital of the cruel and
powerful Assyrians.
Author: Nahum
Time Span: around 612 B.C.
Setting: Judah
Habakkuk wrestles with some difficult questions: Why does God
allow wicked people to prosper? Why is the evil Babylonia allowed
to overpower weaker, less evil nations? Habakkuk decides that God
can be trusted.
Author: Habakkuk
Time Span: 612-597 B.C.
Setting: Judah
Zephaniah predicts that Jerusalem is doomed for being so
disobedient, but that a small number of the population will
survive and have a great future.
Author: Zephaniah
Time Span: 640-609 B.C.
Setting: Judah
Haggai the prophet encourages God's people who have returned from
exile, to finish rebuilding the temple. The people had abandoned
the project, and built fine homes for themselves instead. But
with Haggai's encouragement, the rebuilding of the temple resumes.
Author: Haggai
Time Span: 520 B.C.
Setting: Jerusalem
The prophet declares that a new age has begun. He speaks of the
blessings of Jerusalem and the whole world. Zechariah speaks of
the coming of a Messiah, who is sent by God.
Author: Zechariah
Time Span: 520-515 B.C.
Setting: Jerusalem
Malachi the prophet challenges Israel to keep God's commandments
and to rely on God for future blessings.
Author: Malachi
Time Span: about 430 B.C.
Setting: Jerusalem
This Gospel links the Old Testament and the New. It tells about
Jesus the Messiah, as foretold by the prophets. Matthew tells
* the birth of Jesus
* Jesus' baptism
* Jesus' temptations
* the trial and crucifixion of Jesus
* Jesus' resurrection
Some of the famous passages in Matthew:
* The Lord's Prayer
* The Great Commission
* Sermon on the Mount
Author: Matthew
Time span: 60-80 A.D
Setting: Jerusalem and Galilee
Author: John Mark
Time span: 60-70 A.D.
Setting: Jerusalem and Galilee
Author: Luke
Time span: 60-80 A.D.
Setting: Jerusalem and Galilee
Author: John
Time span: 60-90 A.D.
Setting: Jerusalem and Galilee
Author: Luke
Time span: 60-80 A.D.
Setting: The Roman Empire
Author: Paul
Time span: 55-60 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 55-60 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 55-60 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 45-55 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 60 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 55-60 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 55-60 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 45-50 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 45-50 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 60-65 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 60-65 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 60-65 A.D.
Author: Paul
Time span: 60-65 A.D.
Author: unknown
Time span: before 70 A.D.
Author: James (brother of Jesus)
Time span: 50-70 A.D.
Author: Peter
Time span: 60-65 A.D.
Author: Peter
Time span: uncertain
Author: John
Time span: 50-70 A.D.
Author: John
Time span: 50-70 A.D.
Author: John
Time span: 50-70 A.D.
Author: Jude
Time span: 60-80 A.D.
Author: John
Time span: 80-100 A.D.